What impact could a digital skills shortage have in 2015?
Creative and digital industries are reportedly facing a skills shortage in 2015 according to Hyper Island – but what effect could this have on UK businesses?
The research has suggested that the biggest lack of talent exists in Experience Design, with the coming year set to highlight the issue further still.
It means businesses either need to up-skill or attract more talent but this can be difficult if the job market is not full of those with the suitable qualifications.
Without the skilled staff, it is a lot more difficult for firms to deliver what is expected of them and this can be extremely costly.
Technological growth is also creating more niche market areas and taking advantage of these gaps requires highly skilled individuals. Failing to do this could potentially mean lost sales and pressures on a company’s finances – this should not cause too many issues in the short term but could be problematic over longer periods.
In instances where financial issues are especially pronounced, seeking insolvency advice may help a firm to find suitable solutions.
Customer experience is also expected to grow in importance in 2015 with Hyper Island experts suggesting that it will become the unique selling point for many businesses; overtaking price and product availability as a key brand differentiator.
Delivering an experience is therefore going to be difficult if a firm lacks the staff to adequately carry out business. This is expected to lead an employment drive in 2015 as firms identify the key issues and attempt to find solutions for them.
Skilled staff can help companies to stand out in a competitive marketplace, something of vital importance in a situation where every single sale is important.
Firms who embrace the need for new workers and a new approach would seem those most likely to succeed as they are the ones most likely to stay ahead of the competition.
By Phil Smith