

Which stores are remaining open and for how long?

No stores have been closed by the Administrators and all sites are currently open for trading. The Administrators will manage the store trading strategy whilst also evaluating the options regarding the company’s future and determining how to obtain the best possible outcome for all creditors. It remains to be decided if some or all the stores will be closed, however, while the Administrators evaluate their options, they will begin to implement an orderly wind-down of the company’s store portfolio.

Store managers will be informed as matters progress.

Why are Gordon Brothers representatives still on site?

Gordon Brothers have been engaged by the Administrators to provide support with the sale of the stock and operations.

If we run out of stock, will our store close earlier than planned?

Not necessarily, as the successful stores may be restocked in line with the Administrators’ strategy for obtaining the best realisations for creditors.

When will we be notified of discounts?

Discounts will be decided by the Administrators and notified to you with as much notice as possible.